Monday, October 6, 2008

Getting Back at The Sexist Pig

I am totally going crazy here. We are in the process of moving to a bigger house and my sexist pig fiance' hasn't helped me do anything because he works and knows I will do it with or without his help. He has absolutely no consideration or apreciation for anything I do and I'm seriously thinking about ways to drive him intentionally walking through his dirt after he sweeps or putting Nair in his know just help speed up the process LOL!!! Okay, I wouldn't do the Nair thing but I've done the dirt thing and I've thrown his remote control car breaking it into pieces and told him it was an accident. Okay, I know that's not nice, but if you had any idea about the hell he's put me through in the last 3 1/2 years, you would find it amusing and deserving. I'm actually in the process of jotting down all my ideas of how to "get even" and maybe even get something published.


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